Monday, February 25, 2008

Skopje and Kosovo

The Greek side will be defeated concerning the Macedonian issue in case it accepts any complex derivative of the term Macedonia. The reason is very simple. The problem was not created today. It is a story already fifteen years old. What has happened during these years?
Although Skopje were recognised as an independent state with the name FYROM, for fifteen years they use in all internal and external services the term Republic of Macedonia. Let us remember how recently the prime minister of Skopje spoke from the rostrum of the UN as prime minister of the Republic of Macedonia. So, if FYROM is admitted as Republic of Macedonia, with an "upper", "down", "old", "new", it will be admitted as simple Macedonia. In other words, any further determination will be omitted from both the Skopjans, and other countries and will work just as eyewash for the Greeks. Hence it should not be accepted any discussion of the name of Skopje with a complex derivative of the term Macedonia, in exchange for the recognition of Kosovo. For Skopje Greece has the possibility of the veto. The acceptance of the independence of Kosovo, however, is a mistake of no return.