Sunday, February 17, 2008

Cyprus without Tassos Papadopoulos

It is the first time that an acting president of Cyprus stays out of the second round of presidential elections. Random rather fact. Incidentally, Tassos Papadopoulos was the worst president of Cyprus; in his time there has been no significant concessions, Cyprus was associated with Russia and certainly the Annan plan was abandoned. If he held power, the worse might come over, as a solution to the Cyprus question on the basis of international law, which means ending the occupation. Excesses perhaps, but you never know what the mind of that crafty diplomat could create. It seems that the supporters of the Annan plan do not forget!
And now? Again the Annan plan, with some changes? And if so, who will dare to refuse? We want to hope that the Cyprus people will discard it and that his viewpoint will be heard by his new leadership.
However, Tassos Papadopoulos has achieved a lot. And only the delay of implementation of the project in conjunction with the accession of Cyprus to the EU has been a serious blow to the Turkish and American policy, which, whatever may happen in the future, can not be canceled. Also, Tassos Papadopoulos has taught foreign policy by showing the way to Moscow, which belatedly and unwillingly followed thereafter and the Greek side. When top politicians of both main old parties of the Greek state have postulated acceptance of the Annan plan as an one-single lifeline, or even term of survival of Hellenism, threatening to the consequences of a pseudo- isolation, Tassos through the ball to Putin. Time proved him right. The Greeks probably developed their reputation at the international level with the rejection of the plan, were not harmed, and they also acquired a new dimension, the Russian one, in their foreign policy.

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