Sunday, April 6, 2008

The interest of Europe

The European Union insofar as it is not governed by US-supporting leaders - by the term we are obviously not talking about abstruse conspiracies but politicians convinced about the superiority of the United States - has an interest in parallel with the principle of self-determination of ethnic groups, to promote also the integrity of the existing states, both in terms of its members, as well as in relation to the rest of the "old" continent. The recognition of Kosovo and Skopje with their own terms, undermines the future of the European Union, forging American enclaves within Europe.

The tactic of "divide and rule" applied by the superpower, must have proportionate responses. The European public has, for its very hesterophemy and autonomy, to recognize that it was misled in the dismemberment of Yugoslavia. The great mistake made then by the other Europeans apart from Greeks, although that at that time the leadership of the country was accepting it, but that does not change the fact that Greece is the first to suffer the consequences of that incorrect decision. However, nobody seems to be concerned about these realities. No proposal for absolute respect and the inviolability of existing states, the non-acceptance of new states and the categorical refusal to change the borders. Such a European Union would have a meaning for the future of Europe.

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